
Kubernetes nginx ingress controller tcp/udp auto configuration

Running in a custom namespace

In tunack v0.1.0 you can only change where tunack is deloyed. Tunack is staticaly built to search for Nginx config map in ingress-nginx namespace.

Deploying to a custom namespace

To deploy tunack to a custom namespace you need to patch the sample deployment file. Change the namespace by yours at lines 5, 36, 44, 63 and 71. You also can safely replace all ingress-nginx occurences by your custom namespace name in this file.

Run with Nginx Ingres controller in another namespace

Currently you need to edit source code. You need to patch pkg/config.go:35 and pkg/config.go:104 and replace ingresss-nginx by your custom namespace name. Example:

configMapClient := client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps("my-custom-namespace")